Thank you for visiting the College of Science and Mathematics Field Trip Travel Campaign. Although this campaign has officially ended, you may still donate to the COSM Field Trip Travel Fund by clicking on the following link:

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College of Science and Mathematics Field Trip Travel Campaign

Participation Drive
9 Donors
Towards goal of 20 Donors
$1,000.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on May 02, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

The College of Science and Mathematics Course Field Trips Campaign

The College of Science and Mathematics takes pride in providing its students with a wide variety of educational experiences – and those experiences don’t end at the classroom door.  Textbooks, lectures, and even in-depth laboratory experiments, while they all have their own merit, can’t compare to the learning opportunities outside the classroom.  

That is why courses in many of our disciplines from Geology and Environmental Science to Mammalogy, Parasitology and even Neuroscience often offer opportunities for either day or weekend field trips.  These trips allow students to fully immerse themselves in their field of study and gain valuable hands-on experience.  Whether the destination is Fossil Rim Wildlife Center to learn about the captive breeding program for Attwater’s Prairie Chickens, Cook Children’s Hospital for a tour of facilities and programs, or an extended weekend trip to Elephant Mountain Wildlife Management Area in west Texas to learn field techniques associated with monitoring small mammal communities, these trips quickly add up from a financial standpoint, and departmental budgets often aren’t able to accommodate every trip that faculty would like to take.

Please join our campaign to raise additional funds earmarked for student field trips.  Our goal is to provide these opportunities to every course that wants to offer these invaluable opportunities without having to add to the financial burden of either the students or departments.  

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