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Texan Club: Official Booster Club for Tarleton Athletics

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Texan Club

For over 30 years, the Texan Club strives to continue Tarleton’s athletic success by providing financial support for the University’s athletic programs. The Texan Club is open to family, friends, alumni and others who recognize the importance of collegiate athletics.

The funds generated by the organization have helped to continue to hold the athletics programs as one of the nation’s best. From the very first year to today, the increase in activity by the Texan Club and the increased number of members, both corporate and individual, has shown to impact the athletics department directly. As the funding has increased, so has the competition level of each of Tarleton’s 14 intercollegiate athletic programs.

The Texan Club sponsors many activities throughout the year to raise the awareness and support of Tarleton athletics. From the David Tomlinson Purple and White Pavilion next to the football stadium, to Texan Club monthly lunches to various fundraisers, the Texan Club is proud to spread the word on the Texans.

Today, the Texan Club provides funding for athletic scholarships that Tarleton offers in its men’s and women’s programs, as well as recruiting quality athletes, student enhancement, and operations. The Texan Club is truly the foundation for Tarleton’s athletic success. 

Texan Club Levels

Texan Level: $100 -$299

Purple Level: $300 - $499

Coach Level: $500 - $999

Athletic Director Level: $1,000 - $2,499

Champion Level: $2,500 - $4,999

Oscar P Level: $5,000 - $9,999

Texan Rider Level: $10,000+

For a current benefits chart for Texan Club, visit

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